@OldSchool80sBMX Posts
Absolutely incredible day out at @romskatepark – ⬅️ For pics – for the @we_were_rad_book launch.. such a great bunch of people with love for BMX 🙏🤩 #bmxlife #bmx #bmxstreet #oldschoolbmx #oldschoolbmxfreestyle #oldschoolbmxlife #uk #usa #ukbmx #ukbmxhistory @chicohooke

24 Apr 2022, 08:33
Check it out 💥 Serial number tools just launched. Should identify most Diamond Back BMX from 1979-1984 💥 #bmx #tools #serialnumber @bmxlife_uk @bmxmuseumdotcom @bmx.museum @we_were_rad_book @diamondback.bmx @diamondbackbmx #oldschoolbmx #bike #bikestagram #usa #diamondback #california #bmxactionbike
21 Apr 2022, 08:22
Recently completed 🤙🏻 Diamond Back Large Pro 1980 – slowly fell in love with the gold and blue colour scheme, proper old school 💥 #bmx #oldschool #oldschoolbmx #diamondback #diamondback #usa #california #blue #gold #bikestagram @we_were_rad_book @diamondbackbmx @diamondbackbike #yellow #bmxlife

17 Apr 2022, 11:48
1981 Diamond Back Senior Pro latest photoshoot <<< 💥 swipe for more 😍 <<< #oldschool #bmx #diamondbackbmx #usa #california #black #chrome #bike #bikestagram #bmxactionbike @we_were_rad_book #bmxlife #80s @diamondback.bmx @diamondbackbike #hot #bmxstreet #bmxracing #1980s #bikephoto @bmx.museum

27 Mar 2022, 12:45
New build on the go 💥- NOS F&F + lovely parts <<<< swipe for more 1980 DiamondBack Large pro – #bmx #bmxlife #oldschool #oldschoolbmx #gold #yellow #red #diamondback #diamondbackbmx #diamondbackbikes #usa #california #1980s @we_were_rad_book @diamondbackbmx @diamondback.bmx #sugino #kashimax #koizumi

13 Mar 2022, 13:38
Super grateful to have received the amazing ‘We Were Rad’ book, which documents the explosion of UK BMX In 80s. The book is massive, the guys have done an amazing job 🎉 be sure to grab a copy of you can 👍🏻👌🏻 @we_were_rad_book #bmx #oldschool #oldschoolbmx #wewereradbook #wewererad #diamondback #hlt @harrylearyturbo4_hlt4 #uk #usa @diamondback.bmx #chrome #black #smoke
5 Feb 2022, 02:34
1982 SilverStreak survivor, one of my favourites, original faded decals resplendent in gold. @bmxlife_uk @we_were_rad_book @bmxmuseumdotcom #oldschoolbmx #bmx #oldschool #diamondback #diamondbackbikes not a -> #pacer500 #silverstreak #usa #california #retro #bike #silver #chrome #black #gold #araya #sugino #sakaeringyo

23 Jan 2022, 01:31
Flashback to 1983 with these two under the tree. Happy holidays, happy Christmas #1983 #bmx #bmxlove #oldschoolbmx #oldschool #80s #usa #christmas #california #diamondback #diamondbackbmx #harryleary #harrylearyturbo @that_80s_dude @rerunthe80s @oldschoolbmxfool @oldschoolbmxworld
23 Dec 2021, 15:23
Black (and chrome) Friday —> swipe ‘fo mo’💥 any excuse to post one of my favourite old school BMX 🙏 Have a great Friday and weekend guys 👌🏻#blackfriday #black #chrome #diamondback #bmx #bmxbike #bmxlifestyle #bmxlife #usa #california #suginocrank #sakaeringyo

26 Nov 2021, 05:32
1983 DiamondBack Harry Leary Turbo. 🙌 @harrylearyturbo4_hlt4 @diamondback.bmx @we_were_rad_book @bournemouthbmxfans @oldschoolbmxworld #oldschool #oldschoolbmx #bmx #unitedstates #california #diamondback #bmxlifestyle #blue #chrome

20 Nov 2021, 06:24
Got the old school collection out – maybe a new school popped in there. In order of appearance. 1983 DiamondBack HLT, 5 x DB SilverStreak, 2016 DB Forum, 1982 Redline MXII Blue, 1982 Redline MXII chrome. #oldschoolbmx #bmx #bmxlife #wewereradbook @we_were_rad_book #diamondback #diamondbackbmx #redlinebmx #redline #usa #uk #california
23 Aug 2021, 14:37
Redline MX-IIs, 1982 ✌️ —> swipe for mo’ angles 👍🏻🤩 . . . #bmx #bmxlife #redline #redlinebmx @redlinebicycles @redline_bmx_bikes @redline_bmx @red_line_bmx__appreciation #usa #california #stuthomsen #1980s #oldschool #oldschoolbmx #80s #bicycle #bikes #red #blue #chrome @we_were_rad_book

19 Jun 2021, 06:37
Sun is out, bikes are out 👊🏻 the recently finished 1983 DiamondBack Harry Leary Turbo . #bmx #bmxlife #bikes #bikesofinstagram #usa #california #usa🇺🇸 #diamondback #diamondbackbikes #oldschool #retro #retroaesthetic #retrostyle #bmxmuseum @bmx.museum @diamondbackbike @diamondbackbmx @diamondback.bmx @harrylearyturbo4_hlt4
1 Jun 2021, 04:29
1983 Harry Leary Turbo – just finished 🤩 – swipe for details ➡️ #bmx #bmxlife #diamondbackbmx #diamondback #diamondbackbikes #oldschool #oldschoolbmx #oldschoolbmxlife #usa #california #bike #bikes #photo @harrylearyturbo4_hlt4

24 May 2021, 11:41
Putting those old school Diamond Backs together 👊🏻watch to the end for the new addition currently in build .. #harryleary #harrylearyturbo @harrylearyturbo4_hlt4 #diamondbackbmx #diamondbackbikes #bmx #bmxlife #bmxlifestyle #oldschool #bike #bicycle #california #usa #usa🇺🇸 #uk
14 May 2021, 23:06
#newschool BMX – the stunning 2016 Diamond Back Forum, New school with a hat tip to the #oldschoolbmx Harry Leary Turbo decals and cranks 👊🏻🤩🔥 @diamondback.bmx @diamondback_bmx @diamondbackbmx @harrylearyturbo4_hlt4 #diamondbackbikes #bmx #bmxlife #bmxstreet #bike #bikelife #bikeride #bikersofinstagram #black #chrome

29 Apr 2021, 23:00
Something a little different today.. found these #badboys tucked away in the garage. @alienworkshop @robdyrdek – bought in Santa Barbara ~1994/95. #skateboard #skate #alienworkshop #usa #california #skate4life #skateboardingisfun #oldschool

17 Mar 2021, 02:34
Turbo time 👊🏻🙌 ready to build ➡️ swipe for details #harryleary @harrylearyturbo4_hlt4 @learyharry @bmx @diamondbackbike @diamondbackbmx @bmx.museum #bmx #bmxlife #bmxlifestyle #diamondbackbmx #cali #usa #usa🇺🇸 #bicycle #1980s #80s #retro #oldschool #chrome #black #smoke

6 Mar 2021, 23:38
Just like they came out of shop. DiamondBack SilverStreaks 81, 82, 83 and one for luck 🙏 #bmx #bmxlife #diamondback #diamondbackbikes @diamondbackbmx #bike #bicycle #usa #california #1980s #80s #retrobmx #harryleary @diamondbackbike @diamondbackuk #silverstreak @bournemouthbmxfans
18 Feb 2021, 07:11
Something very special arriving from the #us Monday 👏🏻👊🏻👌can’t wait. #diamondbackbikes #diamondbackbmxbike #bmx #bmxlife #hlt @harrylearyturbo4_hlt4 @learyharry #chrome #black #blue #bicycle #usa🇺🇸 #california #oldschool #oldschoolbmx

5 Feb 2021, 03:31
Cool as hell custom DiamondBack holographic stickers – big up @stickerapp #diamondbackbmx #bmx #bmxlife #cali #california #oldschool #80s #1980s #prismatic #prismacolor #rainbow
2 Feb 2021, 07:11
Araya 7x hoops paired with ‘83 Suzue hubs. Best old school wheels ever? Let me know 🙏 #araya #bmx #bmxlife #red #bicycle #wheels #wheelie #usa #japan #rosa #bike #bikelife #oldschool

15 Jan 2021, 10:55
HNY 2021 all! Revisiting all 7, 2020 builds. Swipe right and the list below 👇 1. 1982 Redline MX-II Blue 2. 1982 Redline MX-II Red/Chrome 3. 2019 35th Anniversary Raleigh burner 4. 1982 DiamondBack SilverStreak 5. 1983 DiamondBack SilverStreak 6. 1981 DiamondBack SilverStreak 7. 1983 DiamondBack SilverStreak. #hny #bmx #bmxlife #diamondbackbmx #redlinebmx #raleigh #raleighbikes #raleighburner #usa #california #bicycle

31 Dec 2020, 15:49
Redline MX-II Refubish, part 3 of 3, swipe right for details 👉 finishing touches, minty Shimano DX seat post, custom decals for the elina and a polish up 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 @redlinebicycles #bmx #bmxlife #redlinebmx #chrome #red #bikes #bikesofinstagram #1980s #usa #california

7 Dec 2020, 12:54
New Shimano DX seat post on the Redline MX2 🙌👌 the final piece of the puzzle. #redline #redlinebmx #shimano #bmx #bmxlife #bmxlifestyle #japan #usa #red #chrome #acs #zrims #oldschoolbmx @shimanobmx @shimano_uk @redlinebicycles @redline_bmx_bikes @redline_bmx

3 Dec 2020, 00:46
Redline MX-II Refubish, part 2 of 3, measuring up for decals, refurbishing the brute stem and finally getting and Elina saddle. @redlinebicycles #bmx #bmxlife #redlinebmx #chrome #red #bikes #bikesofinstagram #1980s #usa #california

22 Nov 2020, 15:17
Renovating and building up a Redline MX-II, part 1 of 3, swipe right to see steps 👉 @redline_bmx @redline_bmx_bikes @redlinebicycles #redlinebmx #redline #bmx #zrims #wheels #bmxlife #bmxdecals #usa #california #bike #bycycle #red #80s

20 Nov 2020, 14:20
Pedal restoration project, making these SR MP-134 shine. Swipe right for process pics, stages and finished product. #bmx #oldschoolbmx #pedals #pedal #restoration #bicycle #sakaeringo #diamondback #usa #california #black #chrome

31 Oct 2020, 01:39
1981 Spec DiamondBack SilverStreak, Cobra grips #bmx #bmxlife #suginobmx @diamondbackuk #diamondbackbikes #diamondback #silverstreak #chrome #black #1980s #1980 #usa #california #bicycles #sugino #diamond

18 Oct 2020, 01:19
A very sparkly SilverStreak – just like the old ads back in the day. Courtesy of some creative filters. #bmx #bmxlife #bike #bicycle #usa #california #diamondbackbikes #diamondback #silver #streak #silverstreak #1980 #80s #oldschool
3 Oct 2020, 07:33
DiamondBack SilverStreak build before and after – parts sourced and build. Swipe to see after <—- #bmx #bmxlife #diamondbackbmx #diamondback #silverstreak #usa #bike #oldschool #80s #1980s #bmxracing #bmxfreestyle #bmxstreet #black #chrome #araya

16 Sep 2020, 11:53
Red and chrome twin – Redline MX-II 1982. Redline F&F, Brute stem, Maxy Cross cranks, Z-Rims, Elina saddle #bmx #usa #redlinebmx #bmxlife #oldschool #oldschoollove #1980s #bike #bicycle #bicycles #red #chrome #bmxracing #bmxbikes #bmxbike #bmxmuseum #bmxmuseumdotcom
12 Sep 2020, 09:01
The black and chrome assassin – 1983 DiamondBack SilverStreak. #black #chrome #diamondbackbmx @diamondbackbmx @diamondbackuk @diamondback.bmx #silver #streAk #bmx #bmxlife #bmxbikes #bike #bicycle #usa #1980s #80s
6 Sep 2020, 12:07
One my favourite and best looking 80s stems – Redline brute – what’s yours? #redlinebmx #redlinebmxbike #bmx #bmxlife #bmxracing #bmxbikes #oldschool #oldschoolbmx #bmxmuseum #1980s #80s #80 #bike #bicycle #bicycles #bicyclelife #usa #california

6 Sep 2020, 06:21
Probably my favourite old school Redline colour ever. 1982 Redline MX-II – original paint, Elina saddle, Araya 7x rims. #redlinebmx @redline_bmx #bmx #bicycle #bicycles #bmxmuseum @bmxmuseumdotcom #bmxlife #bmxracing #bmxbikes #usa #california #oldschool #oldschoolbmx #bikephotography #photography #instadaily #instagram
5 Sep 2020, 04:12
1982 #diamondback SilverStreak, 3 piece Sugino DB cranks, SR MP-134 pedals, #araya 7x rims – lockdown build 👊🏻 one of the best looking bikes from this era #bmx #bike #bicycle #bicycles #oldschool #retro #80s #1980 #1982 #bmxlife #bmxracing @diamondbackbike @diamondbackuk
4 Sep 2020, 23:08
Best colour 80s #Redline #oldschool #BMX #mx2 #mxii made in the USA #unitedstates
4 Sep 2020, 13:20
#bmx #diamondbackbikes #bmxlife @diamondbackbmx @diamondback.bmx
4 Sep 2020, 12:55
Redline MX-IIs 1982 #redline #bmx #bmxlife #redlinebmx #bmxracing #bmxbikes #okdschoolbmx #bicycle #bikelife #redlinebmx #80s
4 Sep 2020, 12:50